Why Do Millennials Buy Mattresses From The Internet?

Nowadays, Millennial’s are buying just about everything from the Internet. This is partially the reason the online mattress industry has exploded. With today’s digital age, you can find just about anything being sold online. Below, we will be going over a few reasons why millennials are buying mattresses from the Internet.

Reasons Millennials Are Buying Mattresses From The Internet:

  • Convenience.

One of the main reasons a lot of people in this demographic look to purchase things like mattresses online is due to the convenience it provides. Millennials are not used to having to go to the store to find things that they want to purchase. Instead, they are used to using their mobile phones to do the research and to have their purchases shipped directly to their doorstep. The convenience of being able to research and buy mattresses online is the main reason a lot of millennials are looking to e-commerce websites to find their next mattress.

  • Social Media Influence.

Another big reason a lot of millennials are buying mattresses online has to do with social media. Not only is this generation much more connected than ever before, but they are constantly posting things online and using social media to share their purchases and even to get information to make purchases. Because of this, a lot of Millennial’s are seeing that their friends are buying mattresses online which only influences them to do the same. Also, online mattress retailers are actively engaging with this core group and even targeting them with pay per click ads in the social media space and they are responding well to these advertisements.

  • Easier To Conduct Shopping Comparisons.

Another big reason a lot of people in this generation end up looking online has to do with the way they research products that they are interested in. Millennials are much more likely to complete in-depth research on a mattress prior to buying it. Because of this, they also do a lot of cost comparisons. Therefore, if they are unable to quickly compare the cost of mattresses with physical retailers, they are likely to take their purchasing process and decision online where they can easily compare two different products and the relative prices of them. This is a big reason a lot of people in this generation end up looking online because it is much more viable to complete in-depth comparisons of products and their respective price points.

  • Easily Share Their Purchases.

Another reason a lot of this generation ends up looking online for their next mattress has to do with the fact that it is much easier to share their mattress purchasing decision when they buy it online. A lot of the companies have share buttons to let your friends know what you purchased and where you purchased it. They even have referral programs where you can earn money, points, or other kinds of rewards for getting someone to purchase one. Because it is much easier to share purchases made from online retailers, a Millennial is going to be much more likely to purchase from them.

Overall, there are a lot of reasons millennials are buying mattresses online. Not only are they used to shopping online much more than any generation previously, but they are conditioned to do thorough shopping comparisons with the products they purchase which is simply not viable to complete offline. Without the benefit of being able to look things up online, a Millennial is going to be much more likely to hold off on their purchasing decision because they are unable to go through their normal purchasing process.


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